Beginners Rebound Workout Compilation 1


Our beginner’s rebound compilation DVD contains 3 gentle workouts for the complete beginner with a variety of easy exercises that will burn calories whilst toning the arms, legs and tummy muscles at the same time.

For the best results and experience its always recommended that you do these workouts a Rebound Fitness or Maximus Life high quality, very low impact mini trampoline so that its kind on your joints and ensures the best calorie burn.

If you have queries prior to your purchase please contact us.

SKU: dvd-beginners-comp-1 Category:


  • Lose weight quickly, safely and effectively by following our easy to follow rebound workout routines. Our team of fitness experts and qualified exercise specialists at ensure that you rebounding workouts are super effective, FUN and very motivating. This compilation DVD contains 3 gentle workouts for the complete beginner that contains a variety of easy exercises that will burn a huge amount of calories whilst toning the arms, legs and tummy muscles at the same time.
  • Choose your Rebound Fitness rebounder: For the best results and experience its always recommended that you do these workouts a Rebound Fitness or Maximus Life high quality, very low impact mini trampoline so that its kind on your joints and ensures the best calorie burn.
  • Workout 1: Beginners Rebound with stability handle bar – for the Complete beginner or older person. Anika, our fully qualified physio-therapist and Rebound Fit certified instructor uses a variety of safe and effective moves on the mini trampoline using the stability handle bar. Great for increasing circulation, mobilising joints, whilst giving a gentle but effective cardio-vascular exercise and a complete body toning workout. Workout duration 23 minutes.
  • Workout 2: Beginners Rebound Progressions – Join the exciting and uplifting Townsend Twins for this really Fun beginners workout routine where you’ll master the basic bouncing moves, tone and strengthen the arms, legs and core tummy muscles whilst improving pelvic floor muscular control. Workout duration 45 minutes
  • Workout 3: Beginners Booty Bound – Squat, sweat and smile with Errol’s booty bounce workout routine. Guaranteed to get your bottom and thighs in shape and put a big smile on your face! Workout duration 50 minutes. Start your Fun health and fitness journey with Rebound Fitness and we’ll keep you motivated along the way. It starts with just one bounce!

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