Rebound Fit Childrens Workshop


Expand your Rebound Fit classes and teach Children!

This workshop can be done at home with guided learning, or we do have a number of in-person workshop dates.

You must be an existing Rebound Fit Certified Instructor to do this workshop.

In this workshop you will expand on the rebounding science and research knowledge you already have and learn how to build suitable Rebound Fit classes for junior ages and for senior and young adult ages.

Rebounding is suitable for all fitness levels and is great to take into schools or to teach in local gyms/community centres. With the rising levels of obesity and inactivity in our young people there is never a more important time than NOW to bring the FUN back into fitness. Children love to Bounce and whilst they are having FUN bouncing, they are improving their fitness levels and mental health.

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Children's Workshop

A pre-requisite for this workshop is that you are already a Certified Rebound Fit Instructor.

In this workshop you will expand on the Science of rebounding to gain an understanding of the different considerations when teaching children versus adults, and the benefits that a child will get from rebounding.

In our teaching we distinguish between the under-11’s (junior and primary ages) and the over-11’s (senior school and young adults).

You will learn how to build a suitable Rebounding class for the relevant age group, and how to adapt some of the rebounding moves to make them suitable for children.

We cover the many different ways in which a Childrens rebounding class can be run, whether that is a before/after school club, incorprated into a PE lesson or an a community/gym setting.

As with the Studio course, there is a lot of supporting material in the membership to help you with your Rebound Fit children’s class creation and marketing.

Additional information

Course Dates

Home Study

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