Rebounding is the workout of choice for many A-List celebs across the globe. So what makes Rebounding the fitness fad that celebrities just don’t want to give up?
Rebounding is the workout of choice for many A-List celebs across the globe. So what makes Rebounding the fitness fad that celebrities just don’t want to give up?
Rebound Fitness certified Instructors are able to educate and coach participants to adopt a low centre of gravity and feel perfectly in control and stable without leaning on a handle bar.
Research shows that an average 140lb female will burn approximately 405 calories in a 40 min…
There are many scientifically proven health and fitness benefits of rebounding and it is important to choose a high quality mini-trampoline if these benefits are to be achieved.
Flexi-Bounce Therapy was developed by the ReboundTherapy.org team and is the perfect complement to Rebound Therapy. It can be used by Parents/Carers as a stand alone activity at home or 1:1 by a specialist practitioner or centre, or as an “in between sessions” complement to scheduled Rebound Therapy sessions.